
Why am I getting a "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:" when starting Tomcat after I deployed my JAX-WS endpoint?
You probably did not install a JAX-WS runtime in Tomcat. In order to do so, you must download a JAX-WS 2.1 implementation such as Sun's JAX-WS RI and copy the jar files into a common location such as shared/lib under Tomcat.


Why am I getting a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/legstar/host/invoke/HostInvokeException" when starting Tomcat after I deployed my JAX-WS endpoint?
The default war file created by the ant script does not include the LegStar binaries. To fix this issue, copy all legstar-*.jar files from the installDir/lib folder into a common location such as shared/lib under Tomcat.


Why am I getting a "org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException: Cannot locate configuration source legstar-invoker-config.xml" when starting running my JAX-WS endpoint?
The endpoint implementation is looking for a configuration file which name is specified in the web.xml deployment file. By default this file is named legstar-invoker-config.xml. There is a sample of such a file in the samples folder of the distribution. You need to customize this file and make a copy in the shared/classes folder under Tomcat.


I have successfully deployed the sample JAX-WS endpoint. How do I test it?
You can direct your browser to a URL such as "http://localhost:8080/cixs-lsfileae/lsfileae?wsdl", assuming your Server runs locally and is listening on port 8080.


Why am I getting a "java.lang.LinkageError: JAXB 2.0 API is being loaded from the bootstrap classloader, but this RI (...) needs 2.1 API.?
This issue is discussed here.
