
This C/370 library provides an interface for CICS program linking using COMMAREA.

The main method issues an EXEC CICS LINK on behalf of the caller, passing various LINK options depending on the request.

The request message is expected to hold a single part which content becomes the COMMAREA content and, on return from the CICS program, the COMMAREA provides content for the single response part.

LSLNKCOM uses the LSCOMLOG also part of this delivery.

This program has been tested for:

- CICS TS 2.3 (6.3.0 Command language translator) and TS 3.1 (6.4.0)

- C/370 for OS/390 V2 R10

How to use:

Once LSLNKCOM is compiled in a library available to your CICS region in the RPL list, you might need to define it using RDO (unless programs get autoinstalled).

LSLNKCOM is not a standalone program.