You will need CICS TS 2.3 and above (Although it is believed the transport might work for TS 2.2, TS 2.1 and TS 1.3).

The LegStar CICS programs are written in C370 and require Language Environment (LE).

Before Chttprt can be used, the mainframe side C370 programs must be installed. The easiest way to do that is to use the common distribution of all LegStar z/OS modules, available here.

The main C370 program for Chttprt is LSWEBBIN, the CICS Server for HTTP. This program uses the following libraries:

Java 1.5+ and ANT 1.6.5+ are both prerequisites for LegStar. Make sure JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME environment variables are set and that $JAVA_HOME/bin (%JAVA_HOME%/bin on Windows) and $ANT_HOME/bin (%ANT_HOME%/bin on Windows) are both in your system path.


These instructions apply if you are installing from the Chttprt standalone distribution. If you are installing the complete LegStar distribution please refer to legstar distribution.

  1. Unzip the binary distribution package into the directory of your choice, referred to as installDir in the following steps.

    The directory tree should look like this:

  2. Install the mainframe C370 programs.

    We encourage you to use the common distribution of all LegStar z/OS modules. Instructions on how to install are available here.

    If you decide to install the CICS programs from sources, they are available from the zos folder.

    The JCLs used by LegStar to compile and link-edit these sources are available from here.

    Finally each module has some documentation under zos/docs.

  3. To uninstall, remove the installDir folder and remove mainframe libraries.


  1. Setup an HTTP Listener:

    You will need a TCPIPSERVICE definition in the CICS region used to service incoming requests. Make sure the TCPIPSERVICE uses the default URM called DFHWBADX. Refer to the "CICS Resource definitions guide" for instructions on how to create the definition (You might also have to add TCPIP=YES in your SIT).

    This is a typical setting for a TCPIPSERVICE for Chttprt:

      OBJECT CHARACTERISTICS                                    CICS RELEASE = 0630 
       CEDA  View TCpipservice( HTTPNSEC )                                          
        TCpipservice   : HTTPNSEC                                                   
        GROup          : LEGSTAR                                                    
        DEscription    : LegStar - HTTP transport server no security                
        Urm            : DFHWBADX                                                   
        POrtnumber     : 03081              1-65535                                 
        STatus         : Open               Open | Closed                           
        PROtocol       : Http               Iiop | Http | Eci                       
        TRansaction    : CWXN                                                       
        Backlog        : 00001              0-32767                                 
        TSqprefix      :                                                            
        Ipaddress      :                                                            
        SOcketclose    : No                 No | 0-240000 (HHMMSS)                  
        SSl            : No                 Yes | No | Clientauth                   
        Certificate    :                                                            
        (Mixed Case)                                                                
     +  PRIvacy        :                    Notsupported | Required | Supported     
                                                          SYSID=CICS APPLID=CICS    
     PF 1 HELP 2 COM 3 END             6 CRSR 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF 12 CNCL 
  2. Setup security:

    You can turn on basic authentication at the TCPIPSERVICE definition level.

    Although the infrastructure supports SSL, the required parameters have not been exported in the Chttprt configuration file yet.

  3. Setup the invoker configuration:

    The HTTP Transport expects a configuration file such as the legstar-invoker-config.xml sample provided.

    The hostConnectionFactory element in the configuration file must be:


    The relevant endpoint elements for the HTTP Transport in the configuration file are:

    hostIPAddressMandatoryCICS TCPIP address
    hostIPPortMandatoryCICS Web Support listening TCPIP port
    hostURLPathMandatoryA path to the LegStar LSWEBBIN program such as /CICS/CWBA/LSWEBBIN or a URIMAP
    hostCharsetOptionalA valid character set such as IBM01140
    hostUserIDOptionalA CICS user ID
    hostPasswordOptionalA CICS password

    Parameters marked as optional must be provided as part of the request Address if they are not provided in the configuration file.

    Chttprt does not use the pooling capabilities of HTTPClient. Connection pooling is provided in a transport independent fashion by Connection Pooling Engine.

  4. Run the sample provided:

    Type ant in the samples/quickstarts/chttprt folder, this should compile and run the test. Check the output of the ant script.