Csokrt requires a version of CICS that has IBM CICS Sockets installed. CICS Sockets are not installed by default in a CICS region. In order to check if your region has Sockets installed try transaction EZAC or EZAO. If these transactions are not installed, you need to follow instructions in the IBM "IP CICS Sockets Guide" manual.

LSSOKBIN was not tested under DOS/VSE although it might work with the CSI stack.

The LegStar CICS programs are written in C370 and require Language Environment (LE).

Before Csokrt can be used, the mainframe side C370 programs must be installed. The easiest way to do that is to use the common distribution of all LegStar z/OS modules, available here.

The main C370 program for Csokrt is LSSOKBIN, the CICS Server for Sockets. This program uses the following libraries:


These instructions apply if you are installing from the Csokrt standalone distribution. If you are installing the complete LegStar distribution please refer to legstar distribution.

  1. Unzip the binary distribution package into the directory of your choice, referred to as installDir in the following steps.

    The directory tree should look like this:

  2. Install the mainframe C370 programs.

    We encourage you to use the common distribution of all LegStar z/OS modules. Instructions on how to install are available here.

    If you decide to install the CICS programs from sources, they are available from the zos folder.

    The JCLs used by LegStar to compile and link-edit these sources are available from here.

    Finally each module has some documentation under zos/docs.

  3. To uninstall, remove the installDir folder and remove mainframe libraries.


  1. Setup a CICS IP Listener:

    In addition to CICS Sockets being installed, at least one IBM Enhanced CICS Socket listener must be running and assigned to LSSOKBIN. Use the IBM EZAC transaction to define a new one. When you create the listener, you must select the ENHANCED version rather than the STANDARD one and specify the transaction name you wish to associate to LSSOKBIN.

    This is a typical setting for an Enhanced Listener as needed for Csokrt:

     EZAC,DISplay,LISTENER (enhanced listener)                    APPLID = CICS     
     APPLID       ===> CICS                 APPLID of CICS System                   
     TRANID       ===> CSKM                 Transaction Name of Listener            
     PORT         ===> 03012                Port Number of Listener                 
     AF           ===> INET                 Listener Address Family                 
     IMMEDIATE    ===> YES                  Immediate Startup   Yes|No              
     BACKLOG      ===> 020                  Backlog Value for Listener              
     NUMSOCK      ===> 050                  Number of Sockets in Listener           
     ACCTIME      ===> 030                  Timeout Value for ACCEPT                
     GIVTIME      ===> 030                  Timeout Value for GIVESOCKET            
     REATIME      ===> 030                  Timeout Value for READ                  
     CSTRANid     ===> LEG1                 Child server transaction name           
     CSSTTYPe     ===> KC                   STartup method  (KC|IC|TD)              
     CSDELAY      ===> 000000               Delay interval (hhmmss)                 
     MSGLENgth    ===> 035                  Message length (0-999)                  
     PEEKDATa     ===> NO                   Enter Y|N                               
     MSGFORMat    ===> EBCDIC               Enter ASCII|EBCDIC                      
     USEREXIT     ===> EZACICSE             Name of user/security exit              
     WLM groups   ===> WLMGRP04     ===> WLMGRP05     ===> WLMGRP06                 
     PF 1               3 END           6               9               12 CNCL     

    You can telnet to the CICS Sockets IP address and port number to make sure they are accessible.

  2. Setup security:

    Clients are expected to send USER/PASSWORD combinations as part of the Connection Initial Message received by the IBM CICS Sockets Listener. A sample program, EZACICSE.CBL written in COBOL is provided to perform a simple security check on the credentials provided. The security exit will also pass the USER back to the IBM Listener so that it could start the server transaction under this particular USER authority (impersonation).

    USER/PASSWORD are sent in clear text between the client and the IBM CICS Listener. Starting with z/OS 1.7, SSL is supported for CICS Sockets but this has not been tested yet and is likely to require changes on the client side.

  3. Setup the invoker configuration:

    The Socket Transport expects a configuration file such as the legstar-invoker-config.xml sample provided.

    The hostConnectionFactory element in the configuration file must be:


    The relevant endpoint elements for the Socket Transport in the configuration file are:

    hostIPAddressMandatoryCICS TCPIP address
    hostIPPortMandatoryCICS Sockets listening TCPIP port
    hostCharsetOptionalA valid character set such as IBM01140
    hostUserIDOptionalA CICS user ID
    hostPasswordOptionalA CICS password

    Parameters marked as optional must be provided as part of the request Address if they are not provided in the configuration file.

  4. Run the sample provided:

    Type ant in the samples/quickstarts/csokrt folder, this should compile and run the test. Check the output of the ant script.